
Air Freight Services

As the reliable service provider, Shine Logistics handles all air freight shipments in the most professional way in expeditious means possible. Through our network of agents, we coordinate air freight shipments worldwide that meet your expectations in terms of safety, time, cost effectiveness and all-in-one services. Our selected air carriers will fulfill your service requirements to fit your airfreight needs for import and export. Our air freight services


* Air Freight -Direct & Consolidation

* Custom Clearance & Forwarding

* Packing and Removal

* Door to door services.


From cross country moves to local deliveries, Everglory Logistics can seamlessly move your shipments over the road to and from anywhere in the United States. We can provide expedited or deferred service depending on your time frame requirements.
If we are arranging your international transportation as well, we will make all the arrangements and track your shipment to delivery. Once completed, you will be provided with one simple invoice that would include all the freight and delivery charges.

  • Airport / Warehouse Pickup
  • Full Truckload
  • Loose / Palletized Loads
  • Full Container Service
  • Cross Country Service

    Warehousing / 3rd Party Logistics

    Shine Logistics can provide warehousing services that will be efficient and cost effective. From simple shipment breakdowns and palletizing to complex inventory solutions, we can help your company find the best way to manage your inventory.

    • Warehousing
    • Storage
    • Sorting
    • Palletizing
    • Labeling
    • Repackaging
    • Inventory Management

    Container Services
    We offer a full range of sea freight container services including LCL and FCL shipments to all ports around the world. Consignments can be shipped door to door or port to port as required.

    Car shipments can be undertaken to all global ports with Ro-Ro facilities. Containerised car shipments can also be undertaken.

    Personal Shipments:

    Personal shipments of cars, including vintage and sports cars are welcome, both as Ro-Ro and containerised freight.

    Commercial Shipments:

    Commercial fleet shipments, including import & export of new cars is offered port to port and door to door between all global ports with Ro-Ro facilities.


    We offer shipping of outsized vehicles such as coaches, civil engineering plant, trucks and almost any other wheel or track based vehicle.

    Containerised Car Shipping:

    We can offer a containerised car shipping service if your shipping route does not support Ro-Ro or schedules are to infrequent. Vehicles are driven into a container, secured and shipped on a container vessel.

    Sea Freight

    We offer a full range of sea freight container services including LCL and FCL shipments to all posts around the world. Consigments can be shipped door to door or port to port as required.